Emerging Faces - A channel for bringing out beauty from within! Feel free to email me at info@emergingfaces.com if you have any feedback or special requests.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Skin

We bless God for His mercies ; crossing over to year 2011 is simply by His grace.
Let's usher in the New Year with beautiful, healthy skins by focusing more on Antioxidants - which are ingredients found in vitamins and other sources. They help repair and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals and also moisturize dry, flaky skins. The best way to get antioxidants is through our diet, most potent ones are Vitamins A, C and E and beta-carotene. Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner being, but the outer fabric of your body as well therefore the healthier food you consume, the better your skin will look. Remember a healthy skin keeps one away from Botox & Surgery..............LMAO!
Foods rich in Antioxidants
  Lola Longe, Emerging Faces Makeup Artistry Studio.

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