Eye cream containing vitamin K helps a lot. Products to consider are: Vanish Extreme Under Eye Cream,
Mary Kay Revitalizing Eye Cream, M.D Formulations Vit-A-Plus Revitalizing Eye Cream, Avon Lighten Up Undereye Treatment, Peter Thomas Roth AHA Kojic Under Eye Brightener.
Puffiness: Oily and salty foods should be avoided . Gels which firm and tighten the eyes are better then creamy skin care products.Good products to consider are: Irene Gari Eye Puffiness Minimizer and Cellex- C Under Eye Toning Gel
Fine Lines: A good eye cream should be applied in the morning and at night. Good brands to consider: Neutrogena, Avon, Mary Kay & Ambi.
Redness : Sometimes eyes may look red, pink or brown which simply shows eyes are tired. Before applying eye shadow, try dabbing some concealers on the eyelids to even out the tone. Magic by Prescriptives Red Neutralizer is a cosmetic concealer that gets red out easily. Dermablend Smooth Indulgence Redness Concealer works great.

Crepeyness: If your top lid looks "puckery", it means your skin is "crepey". It usually occurs when there is significant thinning of dermis followed by the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines resulting into loss of collagen and elastin. Without these two skin proteins that hold and bind skin tissues together, skin usually sags and looks old.
Apply a bit of cream concealer on the eyelid before applying eye shadow to ease the dryness and help avoid "seepage".
Avoid eye products with SD Alcohols and talc
Do not overcleanse .
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