Emerging Faces - A channel for bringing out beauty from within! Feel free to email me at info@emergingfaces.com if you have any feedback or special requests.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Smiling with the Eyes

Eyes add a lot of sparkle to the face especially when they are well madeup.

When making up the face, I usually start with the eyes because this is where I spend the most time. It is important to choose the right eyeshadow colors and blend them in perfectly, a good eyeliner sure adds to the glamour but what brings out the whole beauty of the eyes is smiling with them................oh yes, smiling with the eyes.

Tyra Banks is an expert when it comes to this, she sure knows how to smile with the eyes and always teaches her models how to get transformed in their pictures by smiling with their eyes.

So how may we achieve this?

If you want to be able to consistently smile with your eyes, you will have to identify and practice this, just as you did with the mouth alone.
Smiling with the eyes can also look fake. When something really makes us happy, our eyes get brighter, taking on an excited shine or gleam. In order to be able to do this on command, you will need to train your mind with practice. You have to learn to convince yourself that what you are smiling about is really something you like and are excited about. If you can't do this, you will have to practice quickly bringing to mind a memory or image that makes you happy. When you have to give your best smile (even if you don't feel happy), quickly think of this happy thought and make the smile you practiced.
Ensure the head is positioned at an angle that give the eyes smiley and sexy look.

I've practiced smiling with my eyes several times and I think I'm finally getting there, I'm always ahppy to share this tip with my brides after a makeup session so their wedding pictures can be fun to view.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jolly good fellow

Few weeks ago, I had the opportunity of meeting a jolly good fellow , no one else but the amicable guy with an easy smile, BET comedian, Shawn Harris.
It was a day I was looking forwarding to seeing, not just because I was going to makeup the models for his upcoming dvd shoot but because I was going to meet Shawn Harris personally.

The atmosphere was cool, the models were so friendly and beautiful and the photographer was really polite and adorable......wish all photographers could be like Joe Jackson! Applying makeup on the models was easy and beautiful because each one had a well-structured cheekbone, colors were easily blended in due to their flawless skins.

So what really made my day? the fact that Shawn Harris liked my choice of colors on the models and the lovely outcome of my work!!! oh yes he acknowledged it........he said my job was fantastic.